Friday, May 14, 2010

My Confession....How I have Fun on Friday night.

I have been a busy girl lately. Work and family.... .like most women today I try to find a good balance between the two. I do a decent job at it, but every now and then I realize I have tipped to far one way, or the other.

Of course, when I tip too far on the family side I really don't mind as much. However, more times that not, I seem to focus more on the work than the family (or that is what it seems like to me).

Today, I focused on family. I don't regret it or feel guilty. Well....ok... I did for a little bit this morning when I was sitting in bed watching the Today Show with my husband. But that moment passed. I love my children, as most mothers do. But sometimes the kid in me comes out and I remember being in my child's shoes. Wanting everything I see in the store. Wondering why I couldn't have this and that and something else. Wanting to, "Go Home Right Now" immediately after the selection of the ONE thing I could have. I remember having those feelings, and when I have those flash backs..... I GIVE IN.... I know I shouldn't but I do. I GIVE IN.

I am an easy push over mom sometimes. And driving home tonight with two children, each with their selections from the store, I realized..... this is ok! Giveing in to my child every once in a while, is ok. I am a Full-Time, working MOM! I deserve that right to spoil my child when I can.

I will never be that parent that can buy all the designer clothes, or the best toys or games. (that is what Grandparents are for right? hehe) But seriously, I can give them a book or a toy or a night out every once in a while and enjoy that feeling of "spoiling" them.

To me these time, like tonight, would have only been better if my husband could have been here, but he is working and out of town. So, it was just me and the kidos. We left after school went to the big city (which tonight was Frankfort) and ate at Applebees. We even ordered an appitizer.

Then, oh then, we ..........WENT TO WAL-MART! Yes, we are Kentuckians, and have a little red on our necks... but darn it... Wal-Mart is a good source of entertainment and a great way for me to multi-task. (meaning I can entertain my children AND get the shopping done)

Rule, number one: GO TO THE TOYS FIRST. This allows you time to review your list while the children's eyes are bulging out of their head deciding what to look at first. They will keep themselves entertained for a good 10-15 minutes per isle. (side note: I have taken this time to review cupons as well)

Rule number two: DO LET THEM PICK OUT ANY TOY. But here is where you get them. (or with mine it works) say, you cant get anything else tonight.......he hates that. Because who knows what other wonders lye under the roof of this magical store. OR you can go for the, you can have a toy but only less than X amount. Then you are not just telling them NO. They have parameters for shopping.

Note: by allowing the choice of "something" you leave yourself open for them to forget while cruzing the rest of the store.

Rule number three: well ok, I only have those two. BUT they work. the kids get something to play with while you are doing your shopping AND if they get bored or stop paying attention to it while in the store, I ALWAYS reserve the right to discard on the nearest shelf.

Anyway, enough rambling, can you all tell I am tired? The basis for my blog tonight. I am a reckneck working mom of two, who LOVES taking her kids to WalMart on a Friday night.
