Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Momma's DeFrag Button!

Last week I was complaining about my computer being slow and sluggish.  I told my friend Jayson, "It is like it can't find what I am looking for."  He suggested that I set up my computer to DEFRAG over night.

Now, I consider myself a computer literate person, and I knew what "defrag" meant, and that I should do it.  But I never really understood what it did for my computer.  My friend helped me understand what it meant for my computer to get this help every once in a while.

Well fast forward a few days and several stressful, crazy days later, and I come to realize something.

I NEED TO DEFRAG....Where Momma's Defrag Button?

Talking with my Ladies Group at church last night and then again while having lunch with momma 2  (that would be mother-in-laws to others, but that is another blog), I began to realize WHY I have felt more stressed than normal lately.  "I can't seem to focus" I told my momma-2  "When I try to focus and get a task done, I can't for all the other stuff I need to do rushing in."

Then this evening when I sat to do my evening emails and getting frustrated with my computer again, it all hit me.  Mommas like me (and every other working mom I know)  need to defrag every night.  But now the big question is HOW?

How do I do that?  I go to bed mind whirling with the activities of the day, what I need to do for the next day and ALL I did not get accomplished today.  Then I manage to work all that into crazy my dreams into even more crazy ways.  And when I wake up, the switch is on and I can't seem to figure out where to get started, sometimes I just want to say forget, I won't do any of it. I want a break.  So I sluggishly go thru the day and eventually get the HAVE TO programs open and running.

Then while writing this I decided, well I can't just leave it like this,   I need to defrag.. poor me... now what? I need to wrap this back around and give some suggestions or at least figure out what I am going to do to try to defrag my mind.  So, I blogged about my idea (of a mommy defrag button)  and I am going to start doing a better list making process (big items, not to specific) and ask  GOD to help me get through that list each day.

Tonight is my first attempt, so I will keep you posted on my progress.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Where has the time gone?  I wake up everyday amazed and scared out of my mind.  How did I get to be 36 years old, married and a mother of two?

Have you ever wondered where the time goes?  Growing up I remember hearing my parents and grandparents saying "Years go by faster and faster as you get older"  I thought to myself then, time is time.  Seconds and minutes can't be any faster or slower than they are.  But now, I realize what they were talking about.

Looking through photos the other day and I came across one of my in High School at my Jr. Prom.  WOW how different, yet the same, I am from that girl in the photo.  I was never in the "it crowd" or the "out crowd".  I always saw myself as that girl that was a friend to all but not a best friend to very many.  I really didn't care much for high school.  I was wishing my life away.  Ahhh!!!  but if I knew then what I know now... well I would not be the person I am today, but I sure would have done some things differently.

I remember that girl fondly, but I also feel sorry for her.  She wasted her time soooo much.  Never really focusing on the important things. Sure she spent time with her family but not quality time.  Now that I am a mom myself, I know what quality time is.  And she stressed too much over her weight, really????  She was the size I dream of now.....

As my mind raced down memory lane I recalled all those days in High School and College.  Loves and losses I went thru.  And my hubby, how he as ALWAYS been there for me, even when I didn't want him to be, he was there for me.  He was the first love of my life and the last.  My true soul-mate.

OK  back to time flies.....We will be married 10 years in less than a month.  28 days to be exact.  Seem like only yesterday we were preparing to walk down the isle, move into our home and start our lives together.  Now I look around and the house is 10 years old, the furniture is 10 years old and the appliances are 10 years old.  Amazing!  Then there is the marriage.  Seems like new all the time. :)  I am so thankful and blessed to be married to my best friend.  

Now we have two beautiful, smart, energetic children.  Clayton was such a joy and blessing to the whole family.  The first grandchild on either side.  Spoiled rotten to boot.  Now in 2nd Grade and a charmer just like his father.  He is growing up so fast, I am afraid I will miss something.

Then Miss Bailey,   oh Miss Bailey.  She was a little fire cracker when she was born.  The best baby, once her tummy stopped hurting... Thank you Aunt Tina for working for Meade Johnson at that moment in our life.  She begin sleeping through the night at 3 months and has since.  Never complains but makes her opinion known.... Loudly at times.  But always with a smile on her face and a "you know you want to" look in her eye.  Again, just like her father.... Charmer Charmer. Now at age 3, almost 4, she continues to be a shining light in our lives.

Well  now that I have walked us all down memory lane and my eyes are all welled up with tears.  I will leave you with this one thought....

"Never, ever take anything, even the smallest moment, for granted.  It will be gone in a blink of an eye"

I love my family and am grateful for every day with them.